Hello friends, you know how difficult it is to do seo in today’s time and now you have to use a lot of tools to do seo, whenever you do seo of a website, it comes first in your mind. Use the best SEO free tool and plugin from the key, so that you can do SEO in a very good way

Today, 10 such best SEO free tool to tell you, with the help of which you can do SEO in a very good way and can rank your website page on Google.

1. Ubersuggest

First of all, what I talk about is the name of Best SEO Free Tool is ubersuggest, you all must have heard the name of neel patel.

Ubersuggest Best SEO tool

This is one of the tools that you can do keyword research, this tool gives you more service like SEO audit and more.

But I only use this tool for keyword research, but you will be able to research only 4-5 keywords in 1 day, after that it asks to take pro version.

If you want to do keyword research more than 4-5 days, then you can do one thing.

You have a lot of email id. When the limit of one email id is exceeded, you can do more keyword research by changing the email id easily.

2. Counting Characters

The name of the 2nd Best SEO Free Tool that I am going to tell you about is Counting Characters

Counting Characters

All of you will know about meta title and meta description when you use, then you must have meta title less than 70 characters and meta description should be less than 150 characters.

This tool becomes very important for you if your website is on blogger or not on WordPress.

3. Webmaster Tool

The webmaster tool is Google’s own tool, with the help of which you can rank your page on Google and analyze your keywords better

The webmaster tool is now known as Google search console, you can use it very easily by using seo quite well.

4. Mozbar

Mozbar is also your best SEO tool Mozbar is a kind of google extension with the help of mozbar, you can easily see DA and PA of any page.


One important thing in this is that what happens to your DA and PA is mozbar own. It has nothing to do with Google and your ranking.

5. Google Keyword Planner

We are talking about the Best SEO Free Tool right now and I have placed it on the 5th number google keyword planner tool, you all know when you do SEO, the most important thing that comes up is keyword research when you do any planning What they do is make you rank which keyword for SEO

google keyword Planner

We use keyword planner for keyword research, due to this we get very good keywords.

6. Yoast SEO Plugin

The 6th best SEO free tool I am referring to is the name of Yoast SEO Plugin. If you have a WordPress website, you can make your page or blog SEO friendly with the help of Yoast SEO Plugin.

Best SEO tool Yoast SEO Plugin

With the help of your Yoast SEO Plugin, you can rank your website on Google very quickly.

7. Site Checker

When you can know the score of SEO for your website with this tool and you can do full SEO audit of your website very easily with this tool.

Site Checker Best SEO tool

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